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Who we are

Our Mission:

To change hearts and lives with the Good News of Jesus Christ, through sports ministries and outreach events.

Christian Sports International (CSI) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization founded in 1990 and is headquartered in a suburban community north of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, with a division in the San Diego, CA area. CSI facilitates sports programs for kids, junior and high school campus ministry, and ministry events for men to challenge and empower the participants to live their lives for Jesus Christ.


What we do


BMX Ministries

CSI BMX Ministries provides a unique opportunity to a create a team and programs within the sport of BMX .


International Ministries

CSI is partnered with Schools of Life to bring sports programs and the Gospel Message to the youth in Cambodia.


Campus Ministries

Club Challenge is Christian Sports International's middle and high school outreach and discipleship program.


Men's Ministries

Men young and old are challenged and encouraged during Christian Sports International's "All In Men" events.

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Sports Ministries

Youth outreach sports programs are Christian Sports International's forté with a variety of sports available.

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Special Events

Christian Sports International hosts a variety of special events, from golf, clay shoots, pheasant hunts and more.

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Christian Sports International

PO Box 254

Zelienople, PA 16063


Tel: 724-302-5511


© 2020 Christian Sports International

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